
Mike Young

Mike Young

GIX Logistics

About Mike

Mike Young is the Vice President of GIX Logistics, Inc. He has over 17 years of experience in the transportation industry. He’s been a part of GIX’s considerable growth from being ranked in the bottom 25% of all transportation brokers to being one of the top 75 brokerages in the country. He serves on the Goodwill Industries board and is involved in multiple mentoring and professional development initiatives in the Grand Island area where he lives with his wife and four children.


Sales & Customer Experience As A Marketing Tool

Sales is a process and an intense and thoughtful focus on customer service is part of that process. The sale isn’t done simply because you closed or someone bought from you. The ongoing piece of sales is your follow up and continued service and value that you bring in addition to your product or service. Customer service is the bare minimum. It’s answering the phone, an email, a text. It’s providing an answer to a question. Customer experience is doing all of those things, but always considering the impact of HOW you do those things will have on new and repeat business. We have opportunities every day to do what we should do vs. doing what we want to do. Business and customer service are no different. We make mistakes, we unintentionally miss when it comes to expectations of our products or services, it’s when those things happen that we must do what we should do versus what we want to do. Ego and pride not only get in the way of making good business decisions they go one step further and make you believe that the decision being influenced by your ego and pride is the correct decision for you and your business.